Marriage Counseling

Work two-on-one with a trained mental health therapist in a confidential environment.

What is Marriage Counseling?

Sometimes a marriage needs mending. Being in a relationship can be a lot of work, especially when you are fusing two lives together as one. This can cause some frustration and conflict at times. Marriage counseling comes into play when a couple feels the need to improve a romantic relationship and resolve conflicts that include growing apart, financial stress, and loss of trust. It can be tough to seek marriage counseling, because often times, one does not want to admit that their marriage is struggling. However, the point is to assist in communication and discover what the relationship needs in order to flourish.

Do any of these sound like you?

In your relationship do you feel like love has been lost or that your love has gone stale.  Do you feel like you and your mate are roommates and just existing and not enjoying each other?  If this sounds like you, we can help you find ways to rekindle the flame and help you rediscover that love that was always there.

Marriage Counseling Techniques

In therapy, many therapists find that marriage counseling is one of the hardest forms of therapy and unfortunately many therapists are not good at it.  In our practice one of the techniques that we use is based upon research done by John Gottman, Ph.D., who based his research by studying over 3,000 couples over a 40+ year time span.  We have therapists who have completed Levels 1 and 2 of The Gottman Methods Couples Training.  Being that the Gottman Method is evidence-based, it allows therapists to understand how relationships work to help couples be able to relate differently with each other so that they can build and maintain a strong, loving, and lasting marriage.  Along with using some of the techniques of The Gottman Method, we also use Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and Solution-Focused Therapy Techniques.   We tend to be very empathetic but direct, while throwing in bits of humor with couples so that we can get to the root of the issue and help them to start the rebuilding of their connection.

Client Focus…

Couples Therapy

HD and AB have been together for over a couple of years.  Their relationship is great, but they have issues when it comes to meddling family and friends who try to pull them in different directions.  These problems have become more prevalent over the last few months.  We can help you sort through your problems and issues to get results that cause your relationship to grow stronger and spending time with one another to rebuild that connection.

(502) 915-0012