Couples Counseling

Work two-on-one with a trained mental health therapist in a confidential environment.

What is Couples Counseling?

Sometimes couples bring in issues from their past that cause problems in their current relationship.  Couples counseling comes into play when a couple feels the need to improve a romantic relationship and resolve conflicts that include growing apart, financial stress, and loss of trust. The point of couples counseling is to assist in communication and discover what the relationship needs in order to flourish. All of this can stem from one or both partners insecurities due to unresolved and unhealed issues that each of them had in their past.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • Are you considering taking your relationship to the next level such as moving in together, or considering marriage; but are having some reservations?
  • Are you feeling stuck in your marriage or relationship?
  • Are you feeling like the thrill is gone and are contemplating divorce?

We can help you work on improving your relationship and help remove those helpless feelings. Contact us so we can sort through this together, and help you prepare for these important transitions in your life.

We have therapists with specialized training, with some having The Gottman Method Couples Therapy training Levels 1 & 2. We are dedicated to helping couples build stronger connections and relationships by using Gottman Method Couples Therapy and other interventions in our counseling practice.

Client Focus…

Couples Therapy

You think you have the perfect relationship and you are feeling like you have found the love of your life and wanted to build a life together, but something is holding you back.  You want to trust them but something in your mind is telling you not to even though they have given you no reason not to trust them.   So, you end up doing things to sabotage the love that you have always desired and you don’t understand why.  We are here to help you get to the root of your trust issues and help you rebuild your connection and restore the love that you have always wanted.

(502) 915-0012