Family Counseling

Our goal is to help with strengthening families and their relationships.

What is Family Counseling?

Family Counseling is meant to work with families to nurture positive change and development. This form of therapy is a healthy way to mediate any types of issues that could be causing stress within the household. Often times, family counseling is sought out when there are financial challenges or unusual behaviors displayed by parents or children. However, it is also a good way to set aside some time to merely check-in with each other in a controlled environment.

Wouldn’t it be cool to be more emotionally present for your kids?

Does your work or busy schedule get in the way of connecting with your kids?

Our goal is to help with strengthening families and their relationships. Helping families stay connected during major transitions and life changes such as becoming a new parent, bringing your new baby home, to co-parenting well adjusted children.

Client Focus…

Family Counseling

The Smith family household has two parents who both work outside the home, with two children where one attends middle school and the other is in high school.  Over the last nine months everyone in the family is at each other’s throats and there is not open communication between any of them.  We will work with the Smith family to figure out where the breakdown in communication is and help them to get reconnected.

(502) 915-0012