Children and Adolescents

Work one-on-one with a trained mental health therapist in a confidential environment.

What is Child’s Therapy?

Just like all forms of counseling, there could be several signs and reasons that your child would benefit from seeing a therapist. Whether the issue is as little as a change in eating or sleeping patterns, or as destructive as unpredictable violent behavior, it is important to take the steps toward keeping your child happy, healthy, and stable. Seeking child’s therapy for a child with an emotional disorder will result in a diagnosis, treatment, and hopefully will allow your child to feel secure once more.

Do any of these sound like you?

Parents are you tired of getting calls from school about your child’s behavior and feeling helpless? Are your kiddos impulsive, anxious or acting out in anger at home or in school?

Then let us help you, help them. Our therapists use psycho-education and various interventions such as social emotional skills training to teach problem solving and social emotional skills to children and adolescents. Our goal is to help them learn how to self-regulate and calm down when emotions are running high. We also want to help children and adolescents understand the importance of impulse control and learning the skills to help them do so.

We also have therapists who are trained in Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) helping children and adolescents heal from traumatic experiences, so they can start living their lives again.

Client Focus…

Child’s Therapy

BJ is an honor roll student but over the last year BJ’s grades have dropped.  BJ has begun to isolate from friends and family and doesn’t do the things that in the past  he loved to do.   BJ’s personality has also changed over the last few months.  He tends to become angrier when he loses his focus and can’t seem to concentrate on anything that he is doing.

We can help you help your child get back on track and find out what is causing the sudden changes in your child’s behavior.

(502) 915-0012